Further Reading

Releasing the Heart Wall

Releasing the Heart Wall So, what is a heart wall? As we go through life, we may go through such events as breaking up with a girlfriend or boyfriend, going through an...

The Journey | The First Visit (Child or Adult)

The initial visit is always an evaluation and consultation. A few forms are required so I can see the full case background of signs and symptoms.  A thorough...

Lips together/Mouth Breathing

Children and adults should be able to comfortably rest their lips together or slightly touching when they are in a resting position. When this cannot happen it may due to...

Functional Orthodontics Versus Traditional Orthodontics

Functional Orthodontics This is a very interesting branch of orthodontics that most people have not heard about. Functional orthodontics consists of not only straightening...


Most people I talk to now know what Sleep Apnea is, and everyone understands snoring.  It's a disease of older fat men, right? Not quite.  Did you know that a...

Tongue and Lip Tie

A tongue-tie is also known as a restricted lingual frenum or a tethered oral tissue (TOT). The frenum is the line or band of tissue under the tongue. It connects the tongue...


Correct swallowing depends on a proper relationship between muscles of the face, mouth and throat.The act of swallowing is one function that depends on the body’s...

Tonsils and Adenoids

Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids When the tonsils and adenoids are enlarged, the airway can be significantly compromised which can make it difficult...

Oral Habits

Poor oral habits include a wide spectrum of habits including, thumb sucking, finger sucking, blanket sucking, tongue sucking, soother/pacifier use, lip sucking, lip...

Teeth Grinding

While teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) is usually thought of as an adult problem, it affects many kids. If your kid is grinding his or her teeth, you need to take...

Teeth Alignment

  If you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered if your child will need orthodontic braces. It’s a worry because braces are expensive,...


Speech problems occur which are difficult to correct by conventional means because they cannot memorize the correct movements of speech, or be sure of always achieving...

Our Adult Myofunctional Program

Nowadays, adults are going through orthodontic treatment sometimes for the first time however, many are repeating orthodontics because after the first round their teeth...

The Emotional Connection and Illness

We all carry emotional baggage to varying degrees—painful childhood memories, grief over the loss of a loved one, the devastation of a marriage or relationship break...

A new meaning for Teddy BEARS

Teddy bears have always been a hit with most kids and almost everyone has owned and loved a teddy bear at some point in their childhood.  We all know that toys are...

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